Thursday, November 24, 2011


This is the time of year when everyone starts thinking of what they are thankful for. The first thing I thought of is my family, but just saying "I am thankful for my family" doesn't do it here it is...

I'm thankful for...

An amazing husband who is my rock. The safety and stability of his family is always his first priority. I always knew it was going to take someone special to put up with me and I am so glad I found him! Having someone that you can share absolutely anything and everything with is something I hope everyone gets to experience. The amount of love that I see he has for Maggie makes my heart so happy!

My daughter, who has changed my life in all the best ways. Through her I have discovered a love that I never knew existed and now I can never imagine living without. Every time I get frustrated with her and every time she pushes my buttons I know it's only making me a stronger person.

My parents...all four of them! I grew up with a great foundation and only the best to look up to. I am who I am today because of them and I'm so glad that Maggie gets to grow up with the best and most loving grandparents anyone could ask for. I tested everyone's patience over and over again and they stuck by me! I only hope that Eric and I can be the parents to Maggie that they were for me.

For my Memaw who has exceeded her roll as a grandmother! She has always been someone I could talk to about anything. Growing up she was a part of our daily lives and has had just as much of an impact on me as my parents. She goes above and beyond to make sure everyone is happy and I appreciate it so much.

For my in-laws. They have made me feel like a part of the family from day one. They are so fun and I love how much they love Maggie. I married into an amazing family and I'm excited that I'm not only spending the rest of my life with Eric but also with them!

For my older siblings. My sister has a huge heart and genuinely cares for the people around her. I'm so proud of the life and family she has built...she's earned every bit of it! The way my brother loves and serves the Lord is an inspiration to the whole family. I'm so lucky to have both of them to look up to and follow. I know they will always be there for me.

For my little brother. He was my first love. He made me stop think of what kind of person I wanted him to see me as. I know that older siblings have a big impact on your life and I hope I have been a good big sister for him.

For Aunt Jennifer. Not only is she my sister-in-law but she is a great friend. She has helped me so much with Maggie and I know she will do anything she can for her. Whenever I need advice, or to vent, or to talk about anything I know I can go to her.

I'm thankful that I have so much to be thankful about!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wedding Pictures!

Here's a few of my favorites...

Green Eggs and Ham

Sunday we went to our friend Leighton's 4th birthday! The theme was Green Eggs and Ham and it was adorable! 

Maggie had a blast on all the riding toys and playing outside. It was a beautiful day...definitely did not feel like November!

we got Leighton the Thomas tent :) 

here's a couple of pictures from the rest of the weekend...

we went to the big flea market in Colinsville on Saturday....Maggie didn't have very much fun but I snapped a picture at her favorite part of the day...LUNCH!

and Maggie watched Elmo's Christmas countdown multiple times this we had to sport our Elmo slippers too :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Photo dump

I have been so bad about blogging lately, but to be honest not very much has been going on. Here are some random pictures I've taken lately...



meet Kelly Nicole Barreca :)


covered in my makeup.

Baker Farm.

our new table from Nana.

and Roll Tide!

I always post my pictures on Facebook as I take them, but I have a few readers (MOM!) that haven't jumped on the Facebook bandwagon yet :)