Tuesday, April 27, 2010

36 Weeks

Whattoexpect.com says that Maggie should now weigh about 6 pounds. Her growth will start slowing down so she can store up energy needed for delivery.  All her systems are almost fully matured so she's about ready to be born!  The whole time I've been pregnant I've thought that I wanted her to come right when I was full term (37 weeks), but I still have so much to do before she gets here so I'm hoping she'll hang out atleast until 39 weeks! She has definitely settled down which is a nice break from her constant kicking that I've been use to, and her head and feet have been in the same position all week. Nights have been long and restless but I'm thankful that has just now started since I don't have too much longer to go! In just a few weeks all the discomfort will be over and it will have been worth it!

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