Thursday, May 6, 2010

Doctor Appointment

So today I went to the doctor for my 37 week appointment and was VERY surprised to find out that I am 3 cm dialated! I guess Maggie is as ready to get here as I am to meet her! It's a good thing I had a huge burst of energy this week and got everything ready for her. I checked a bunch off my list.

#8: Organize and put away all the gift from my showers
#9: Make a list of things I still need to buy after my showers
#10: Buy those things
#13: Pick out an outfit for Maggie to come home in
#27: Sterilize bottles
#28: Wash baby clothes and bedding
#30: Pack a bag for the hospital
#33. Get pjs to wear while in the hospital
#34: Pack Maggie's bag for the hospital

Check. Check. Check. I guess this is what people mean by nesting! I have been going non-stop in Maggie's room all week.

I'm not going to get my hopes up though...I'm sure it will still be a while before she gets here. But I just thought I would share!


  1. That's awesome news Sarah! Maybe that sweet little girl is ready to come out and meet her Mommy and Daddy. Before you know it, she'll be in your arms. Yay!

  2. SO SO SO exciting! I can't wait to meet baby Maggie! Thanks goodness Monday brought a burst of energy so now you are ready and waiting! Ha!!
